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AMBUCS developed a line of adapted tricycles called AmTrykes that are purchased by the local chapters  at a highly discounted rate, compared to an adapted tricycle purchased retail. A family purchasing a retail priced adapted tricycle could pay upwards of $3,000 or more.  AmTrykes cost our local chapter anywhere from $400 to $1,100, depending on the size of the tryke and the accessories needed to support and assist the rider.

Check out more options:

The options for our trykes are always evolving to better suit our kids.

Check out the 2018 catalog.


How do I get one for my child?

Families are encouraged to fundraise towards their child's bike. Once the total amount is raised, a child can jump ahead of the Wish List. If your family would rather build your own bike, you can! Or you can choose to wait for our next build.



How to apply for Wish List:

1. Fill out the AmTryke Therapeutic Tricycle Request form and Waiver Form, and return via mail or email.

2. Once returned, the child will be placed on our Wish List.

3.  When funding becomes available, the tryke can be selected and ordered. Your child's therapist will need to fill out the following form at this point in the process.

Amtryke Assessment Form

Selection Forms


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